2  prt* party variables

Information on ESS party IDs from “party-voted-for” (prtc*) and “party-close-to” (prtc*) questions – see also section “ESS party data structure” in manuscript.


conflicts_prefer(dplyr::filter, .quiet = TRUE)

# ESS datasets in rds and with selected variables created in "01-ess-prt.R"
ess9_raw <- read_rds("data/ess-waves/ESS9e03_1.rds")
ess_raw <- read_rds("data/02-ess-select.rds")

# long format ESS prt* variables
prt_raw <- read_rds("data/01-ess-prt.rds")

# prtv* (single per country) and prtc* ESS variable with ESS numeric ID
prtvc_raw <- read_rds("data/01-ess-prtv-prtc.rds")

2.1 prt* variables

All ESS rounds include two types of survey questions with party information.

  • prtv* — “Party voted for in last national election, [country]?”
  • prtc* — “Which party feel closer to, [country]?”
ess_raw |>
    n = n(),
    n_countries = n_distinct(cntry),
    n_prtv = n_distinct(prtv),
    n_prtc = n_distinct(prtc),
    .by = "essround"
  ) |>
essround n n_countries n_prtv n_prtc
1 42359 22 251 248
2 47537 25 281 274
3 43000 23 248 251
4 56752 29 309 296
5 52458 27 321 302
6 54673 29 331 331
7 40185 21 258 252
8 44387 23 283 271
9 49519 29 363 374
10 58810 30 380 390

2.2 ESS-9 example

We use the ESS-9 integrated file to describe the structure of the prt* variables in ESS data files.

Each ESS round uses country level variables for the prt* variables (e.g. prtvtcat — party-voted-for Austria ESS-9).

These prt* variables include the following elements:

  • starting with prt
  • indicating the type of prt variable
    • v — “party-voted-for”
    • c — “party-close-to”
  • two character country code
  • electoral tier number for Germany and Lithuania (prtv* only)
ess9_prt <-
  ess9_raw |>
  select(cntry, starts_with(c("prtv", "prtc"))) |>
  pivot_longer(!cntry, names_to = "variable", values_to = "party") |>

ess9_prt_n <-
  ess9_prt |>
    cntry = first(cntry),
    responses = n(),
    parties = paste(unique(party) |> as.character() |> sort(), collapse = ", "),
    .by = c(cntry, variable)

ESS-9 prt* variables by country

tbl_out <-
  ess9_prt_n |>
    n = n(),
    variables = paste(variable |> sort(), collapse = ", "),
    .by = cntry

if (knitr::is_html_output()) {
  tbl_out |>
    reactable(searchable = TRUE, striped = TRUE)
} else {
  tbl_out |>

Germany and Lithuania include multiple prtv* variables asking for voting decisions in each electoral tier. These variables include a number for the tier in the variable name.

We use the national tier (“prtvede2”, “prtvblt1”) as the primary “party-voted-for” variable.

ess9_prt |>
  filter(str_detect(variable, "\\d")) |>
  distinct(cntry, variable) |>
  arrange(cntry, variable)
cntry variable
DE prtvede1
DE prtvede2
LT prtvblt1
LT prtvblt2
LT prtvblt3

2.3 prtv* ID differences

ESS may use different IDs across ESS rounds

prtv_ids <-
  prt_raw |>
  mutate(party = as.character(party)) |>
    str_detect(variable, "^prtv"), # party-voted-for variable
    !str_detect(variable, "de1|lt[23]") # national vote only DEU and LTU
  ) |>
  select(-idno, -variable, -ess_id) |>
  distinct() |>
  arrange(party_id) |>
    names_from = party_id,
    values_from = party,
    names_prefix = "id_"
  ) |>
  arrange(cntry, essround)

e.g. Netherlands prtv* rounds 1–10

prtv_ids |>
  filter(cntry == "NL") |>
  select(essround, id_4:id_6)
essround id_4 id_5 id_6
1 List Pim Fortuyn Democrats ’66 Green Left
2 List Pim Fortuyn Democrats ’66 Green Left
3 List Pim Fortuyn Democrats ’66 Green Left
4 List Pim Fortuyn Democrats ’66 Green Left
5 Christian Democratic Appeal Socialist Party Democrats ’66
6 Christian Democratic Appeal Socialist Party Democrats ’66
7 Socialist Party Christian Democratic Appeal Democrats ’66
8 Socialist Party Christian Democratic Appeal Democrats ’66
9 Socialist Party Christian Democratic Appeal Democrats ’66
10 Socialist Party Christian Democratic Appeal Democrats ’66

2.4 prtv*/prtc* ID differences

ESS party IDs may differ between the prtv* and prtc* variables.

tbl <-
  prtvc_raw |>
    prtv_party_id = str_extract(prtv, "\\d+-\\d+") |> str_remove("\\d+-") |> as.integer(),
    prtc_party_id = str_extract(prtc, "\\d+-\\d+") |> str_remove("\\d+-") |> as.integer()
  ) |>
  filter(prtv_party_id == prtc_party_id & prtv_party != prtc_party) |>
  select(cntry, essround, party_id = prtv_party_id, prtv_party, prtc_party) |>
  distinct() |>
  arrange(essround, cntry, prtv_party)

Examples from six countries in ESS-9

tbl |>
  filter(essround == 9) |>
  slice(2, 5, 18, 27, 29, 38)
cntry essround party_id prtv_party prtc_party
BG 9 2 Balgarska sotsialisticheska partiya (BSP) Dvizhenie za prava i svobodi (DPS)
FI 9 10 Green League Independence Party
LT 9 2 Homeland Union - Lithuanian Christian Democrats (TS-LKD) Lithuanian Peasant and Greens Union (LVZS)
PL 9 3 Nowoczesna Platforma Obywatelska
PT 9 17 Votou em branco/ nulo CDS-PP
SK 9 5 ĽS Naše Slovensko Christian Democratic Movement (KDH)
tbl_v <-
  prtvc_raw |>
  filter(str_detect(prtv, "FI-(8|9|10)-10-v")) |>
  distinct(essround, prtv, prtv_party)

tbl_c <-
  prtvc_raw |>
  filter(str_detect(prtc, "FI-(8|9|10)-10-c")) |>
  distinct(essround, prtc, prtc_party)

tbl_out <-
  tbl_v |>

write_csv(tbl_out, "figures-tables/table-1_ess-incoherence.csv")