5  ParlGov losers’ consent

Losers’ consent models example – see also sections “Party-voted-for in government” and “Performance of Party Facts linking” in manuscript.


conflicts_prefer(dplyr::filter, .quiet = TRUE)

library(broom) # tidy model results
library(broom.mixed) # tidy model results for lme4
library(estimatr) # robust standard errors
library(ggeffects) # effects plots
library(lme4) # multi-level models
library(modelsummary) # model tables and coefficient plots
library(patchwork) # combine plots
library(reactable) # dynamic tables
library(skimr) # summary statistics

options(knitr.kable.NA = "")

round_numeric_variables <- function(data, digits = 0) {
  mutate(data, across(
    \(.x) format(round(.x, digits), scientific = FALSE)
ess_raw <- read_rds("data/02-ess-select.rds")
ess_cabinet_raw <- read_rds("data/07-parlgov-ess_cabinets.rds")

5.2 Variables

Variables used in losers’ consent models and context information

  • stfdem — How satisfied with the way democracy works in country?
    • 0 // Extremely dissatisfied — 10 // Extremely satisfied
  • cabinet — “party-voted-for” (prtv) in government after election
    • ParlGov based calculation
    • excluding caretaker governments
  • lrscale — Placement on left right scale
    • 0 // Left — 10 // Right
  • gndr — Gender
  • agea — Age of respondent, calculated
  • eduyrs — Years of full-time education completed
  • ESS identifiers
    • cntry — Country
    • essround — ESS round
    • pspwght — Post-stratification weight // see ESS survey weights
    • inw_date — Date of interview // various ESS inw* variables
  • Party information
    • prtv — Party voted for in last national election // aggregated ESS IDs
    • prtv_name — Party voted for in last national election // party name
    • first_ess_id — unique ESS party ID used in Party Facts

5.3 Summary statistics

ess_cabinet <-
  ess_cabinet_raw |>
  select(essround, cntry, idno, cabinet = cabinet_party)

ess_lm <-
  ess_raw |>
  left_join(ess_cabinet) |>
    across(c(lrscale, stfdem), \(.x) as.integer(.x) - 1),
    cabinet = case_when(
      cabinet == 1 ~ "Yes",
      cabinet == 0 ~ "No",
      .default = NA
    cabinet = as.factor(cabinet) |> fct_rev()
  ) |>
  filter(!all(is.na(cabinet)), .by = c(cntry, essround))

ess_lm |>
  select(-idno) |>
  skim() |>
Data summary
Name select(ess_lm, -idno)
Number of rows 433599
Number of columns 14
Column type frequency:
character 3
Date 1
factor 4
numeric 6
Group variables None

Variable type: character

skim_variable n_missing complete_rate min max empty n_unique whitespace
cntry 0 1.00 2 2 0 32 0
prtv 171780 0.60 8 14 0 2704 0
prtc 240202 0.45 8 10 0 2642 0

Variable type: Date

skim_variable n_missing complete_rate min max median n_unique
inw_date 912 1.00 2002-01-14 2022-09-02 2011-06-03 4827

Variable type: factor

skim_variable n_missing complete_rate ordered n_unique top_counts
gndr 331 1.00 FALSE 2 Fem: 231527, Mal: 201741, No : 0
prtv_party 171780 0.60 FALSE 888 Lab: 6580, Con: 6077, Chr: 5660, Soc: 4972
prtc_party 240202 0.45 FALSE 900 Lab: 4949, Con: 4578, Chr: 4290, Soc: 3484
cabinet 209243 0.52 FALSE 2 Yes: 121092, No: 103264

Variable type: numeric

skim_variable n_missing complete_rate mean sd p0 p25 p50 p75 p100 hist
essround 0 1.00 5.39 2.80 1 3.0 5.00 8.00 10.00 ▇▇▇▇▇
pspwght 0 1.00 1.01 0.52 0 0.7 0.93 1.18 6.85 ▇▁▁▁▁
agea 2155 1.00 48.49 18.62 13 33.0 48.00 63.00 123.00 ▆▇▆▁▁
eduyrs 5075 0.99 12.43 4.13 0 10.0 12.00 15.00 65.00 ▇▅▁▁▁
lrscale 55413 0.87 5.13 2.23 0 4.0 5.00 7.00 10.00 ▂▃▇▃▁
stfdem 15516 0.96 5.28 2.51 0 4.0 5.00 7.00 10.00 ▅▅▇▇▂

5.4 Multi-level models (ML)

Model variables preparation

  • removing outliers age (99% quantile)
  • selecting only variables used in models
  • removing incomplete observations
  • centering of continuous variables (age, education, left-right)
# quantile(ess_lm$eduyrs, probs = c(0, 0.5, 0.9, 0.95, 0.99, 0.999), na.rm = TRUE)
eduyrs_remove <- quantile(ess_lm$eduyrs, probs = 0.99, na.rm = TRUE)

ess_lm_c <-
  ess_lm |>
  filter(eduyrs < eduyrs_remove) |>
  select(stfdem, cabinet, gndr, eduyrs, agea, lrscale, cntry, essround, pspwght) |>
  na.omit() |>
    essround_cntry = paste(essround, cntry),
    across(c(agea, eduyrs, lrscale),
      \(.x) scale(.x, scale = FALSE) |> as.vector(),
      .names = "{.col}_c"

plot_ggpredict <- function(model, plot_terms) {
  ggpredict(model, terms = plot_terms) |>
    plot(show.title = FALSE, show.legend = FALSE)

ml_formula <- "stfdem ~ gndr +  cabinet*eduyrs_c + cabinet*poly(agea_c, 2) + cabinet*poly(lrscale_c, 2)"

5.4.1 Three ML models

Multi-level models with quadric terms and interactions. Structure of models:

  • Model 1 (ML-1) — ESS-Round/country and country
  • Model 2 (ML-2) — ESS-Round and country
  • Model 3 (ML-3) — country

Visualization of results in Figure 5.1 and Figure 5.2 – see variable information in Section 5.3

ml1 <- lmer(
  as.formula(glue("{ml_formula} + (1 | cntry/essround_cntry)")),
  weights = pspwght,
  data = ess_lm_c

ml2 <- lmer(
  as.formula(glue("{ml_formula} + (1 | essround) + (1 | cntry)")),
  weights = pspwght,
  data = ess_lm_c

ml3 <- lmer(
  as.formula(glue("{ml_formula} + (1 | cntry)")),
  weights = pspwght,
  data = ess_lm_c
models <- list("ML-1" = ml1, "ML-2" = ml2, "ML-3" = ml3)

if (knitr::is_html_output()) {
} else {
  modelsummary(models, output = "markdown")
ML-1  ML-2  ML-3
(Intercept) 5.785 5.793 5.778
(0.168) (0.183) (0.171)
gndrFemale −0.182 −0.178 −0.179
(0.009) (0.010) (0.010)
cabinetNo −0.637 −0.644 −0.639
(0.010) (0.010) (0.010)
eduyrs_c 0.048 0.045 0.048
(0.002) (0.002) (0.002)
poly(agea_c, 2)1 23.619 21.026 25.707
(3.151) (3.193) (3.189)
poly(agea_c, 2)2 30.466 30.402 31.450
(2.914) (2.958) (2.968)
poly(lrscale_c, 2)1 103.655 105.276 108.504
(3.334) (3.204) (3.209)
poly(lrscale_c, 2)2 35.915 39.317 40.238
(3.117) (3.149) (3.161)
cabinetNo × eduyrs_c 0.013 0.014 0.015
(0.003) (0.003) (0.003)
cabinetNo × poly(agea_c, 2)1 −4.492 −2.175 −3.764
(4.619) (4.674) (4.691)
cabinetNo × poly(agea_c, 2)2 13.570 14.312 14.018
(4.284) (4.350) (4.366)
cabinetNo × poly(lrscale_c, 2)1 −21.845 −23.387 −26.187
(4.861) (4.493) (4.496)
cabinetNo × poly(lrscale_c, 2)2 −108.662 −113.510 −113.724
(4.367) (4.397) (4.413)
SD (Intercept cntry) 0.926 0.959 0.964
SD (Observations) 2.106 2.142 2.150
SD (Intercept essround_cntrycntry) 0.502
SD (Intercept essround) 0.219
Num.Obs. 205661 205661 205661
R2 Marg. 0.040 0.040 0.041
R2 Cond. 0.232 0.207 0.202
AIC 918475.2 924653.1 926121.1
BIC 918639.0 924816.9 926274.6
ICC 0.2 0.2 0.2
RMSE 2.13 2.16 2.17

Analysis of variance (ANOVA) models and refitting with Maximum Likelihood instead of Restricted Maximum Likelihood.

anova(ml1, ml2, ml3) |>
  tidy() |>
term npar AIC BIC logLik deviance statistic df p.value
ml1 16 918470.1 918633.8 -459219.0 918438.1 7648.019 1 0
ml2 16 924648.2 924811.9 -462308.1 924616.2 0.000 0
ml3 15 926116.1 926269.6 -463043.0 926086.1

5.4.2 Effects plot ML-1

Effects plot Multi-Level Model 1 (ML-1, see Section 5.4.1)

plot_ggpredict(ml1, c("lrscale_c [all]", "cabinet")) +
  plot_ggpredict(ml1, c("agea_c [all]", "cabinet")) +
  plot_ggpredict(ml1, c("eduyrs_c [all]", "cabinet"))
Figure 5.1: Effects plot (95% CIs) — Satisfaction with democracy
pl_dt_lr <- ggpredict(ml1, c("lrscale_c [all]", "cabinet"))
pl_dt_edu <- ggpredict(ml1, c("eduyrs_c [all]", "cabinet"))
pl_dt_age <- ggpredict(ml1, c("agea_c [all]"))
add_plot_layers <- function(pl, var_name = "x") {
  pl +
    geom_hline(yintercept = 5, color = "grey", size = 0.5) +
    geom_ribbon(aes(ymin = conf.low, ymax = conf.high), alpha = 0.1) +
    scale_y_continuous(limits = c(3.5, 7)) +
    labs(x = var_name, y = "") +

color_values <- c("Yes" = "#E41A1C", "No" = "#377EB8")

pl_lr <-
  ggplot(pl_dt_lr, aes(x, predicted, fill = group)) |>
  add_plot_layers("left-right") +
  geom_vline(xintercept = median(ess_lm_c$lrscale_c), color = "grey", size = 0.5, linetype = "dashed") +
  geom_line(aes(colour = group)) +
  guides(color = "none", fill = "none") +
  scale_color_manual(values = color_values) +
  scale_fill_manual(values = color_values)

pl_edu <-
  ggplot(pl_dt_edu, aes(x, predicted, fill = group)) |>
  add_plot_layers("education") +
  geom_vline(xintercept = median(ess_lm_c$eduyrs_c), color = "grey", size = 0.5, linetype = "dashed") +
  geom_line(aes(colour = group)) +
  guides(color = "none", fill = "none") +
  scale_color_manual(values = color_values) +
  scale_fill_manual(values = color_values)

pl_age <-
  ggplot(pl_dt_age, aes(x, predicted)) |>
  add_plot_layers("age") +
  geom_vline(xintercept = median(ess_lm_c$agea_c), color = "grey", size = 0.5, linetype = "dashed") +

pl <- pl_lr + pl_edu + pl_age

ggsave("figures-tables/figure-2_ml-model-effects.png", pl, width = 9, height = 6, dpi = 300)
Figure 5.2: Effects plot (95% CIs) — Satisfaction with democracy // Article version

5.5 Linear effects (ML)

Multi-level model with linear terms and no interactions.

Visualization of results in Figure 5.3 (standardized coefficients) and Figure 5.4 (effects) – see variable information in Section 5.3

ml_le <- lmer(
  "stfdem ~ cabinet + gndr + eduyrs_c + agea_c + lrscale_c + (1 | cntry/essround_cntry)",
  weights = pspwght,
  data = ess_lm_c
ml_le |>
  tidy() |>
  kable(digits = 3)
effect group term estimate std.error statistic
fixed (Intercept) 5.778 0.169 34.171
fixed cabinetNo -0.636 0.010 -64.301
fixed gndrFemale -0.178 0.009 -18.843
fixed eduyrs_c 0.051 0.001 37.008
fixed agea_c 0.002 0.000 6.639
fixed lrscale_c 0.094 0.002 44.202
ran_pars essround_cntry:cntry sd__(Intercept) 0.505
ran_pars cntry sd__(Intercept) 0.930
ran_pars Residual sd__Observation 2.111
cm <- c(
  "cabinetNo" = "Opposition voter",
  "eduyrs_c" = "Education years",
  "gndrFemale" = "Women",
  "agea_c" = "Age",
  "lrscale_c" = "Left-right"

# parameters::parameters(ml1, standardize = "refit")
# modelplot(ml_le)

modelplot(ml_le, coef_map = rev(cm), standardize = "refit") +
  labs(x = "")
Figure 5.3: Standardized coefficients (95% CIs)– Linear effects model
plot_ggpredict(ml_le, c("lrscale_c [all]", "cabinet")) +
  plot_ggpredict(ml_le, c("agea_c [all]", "cabinet")) +
  plot_ggpredict(ml_le, c("eduyrs_c [all]", "cabinet"))
Figure 5.4: Linear effects plot (95% CIs) — Satisfaction with democracy

5.6 Fixed effects model

Fixed effects model with quadric terms and interactions.

Visualization of results in Figure 5.5 and variable information in Section 5.3

m_fe <-
  lm_robust(as.formula(glue("{ml_formula} + cntry + factor(essround)")),
    weights = pspwght,
    data = ess_lm_c
m_fe |>
  tidy() |>
    term = str_remove_all(term, "poly\\(|, 2\\)1"),
    term = str_replace(term, fixed(", 2)2"), "^2")
  ) |>
  filter(!str_starts(term, "cntry|factor")) |>
  select(-df, -outcome) |>
  kable(digits = 3)
term estimate std.error statistic p.value conf.low conf.high
(Intercept) 6.406 0.037 173.695 0.000 6.334 6.478
gndrFemale -0.178 0.011 -16.563 0.000 -0.199 -0.157
cabinetNo -0.644 0.011 -58.760 0.000 -0.666 -0.623
eduyrs_c 0.045 0.002 21.577 0.000 0.041 0.050
agea_c 20.954 3.506 5.977 0.000 14.083 27.825
agea_c^2 30.380 3.306 9.189 0.000 23.900 36.861
lrscale_c 105.286 3.903 26.974 0.000 97.635 112.936
lrscale_c^2 39.358 4.134 9.520 0.000 31.255 47.462
cabinetNo:eduyrs_c 0.014 0.003 4.740 0.000 0.008 0.020
cabinetNo:agea_c -2.142 5.236 -0.409 0.682 -12.405 8.120
cabinetNo:agea_c^2 14.323 4.958 2.889 0.004 4.606 24.041
cabinetNo:lrscale_c -23.390 5.585 -4.188 0.000 -34.336 -12.444
cabinetNo:lrscale_c^2 -113.526 5.823 -19.496 0.000 -124.940 -102.113

Fixed effects for countries (“cnty”) and ESS rounds (“essround”) not shown.

m_fe |>
  glance() |>
  kable(digits = 2)
r.squared adj.r.squared statistic p.value df.residual nobs se_type
0.18 0.18 755.96 0 205608 205661 HC2
plot_ggpredict(m_fe, c("lrscale_c [all]", "cabinet")) +
  plot_ggpredict(m_fe, c("agea_c [all]", "cabinet")) +
  plot_ggpredict(m_fe, c("eduyrs_c [all]", "cabinet"))
Figure 5.5: Fixed effects model (95% CIs) — Satisfaction with democracy

5.7 Share covered

id_select <- "parlgov_id" # "ches_id" + "parlgov_id"
ess_check <- ess_cabinet_raw # ess_raw + ess_cabinet_raw
tbl_file_name <- "figures-tables/table-2b_parlgov-coverage.csv"

We calculate the share of matches for the “party-voted-for” (prtv) question. Excluded from the calculation are instances of other, independent, and technical (see Party Facts codebook).

link_table_technical <-

prtv <-
  ess_check |>
  left_join(link_table_technical, by = c("prtv" = "ess_id")) |>
  select(cntry, essround, prtv, prtv_party, all_of(id_select), partyfacts_name, technical) |>
  filter(!is.na(prtv)) |>
  mutate(is_match = if_else(is.na(.data[[id_select]]), 0, 1))

prtv_match <-
  prtv |>
  filter(technical != 7 & technical != 8 & technical != 12 | is.na(technical)) |>
    prvt_n = n(),
    is_match = first(is_match),
    .by = c(cntry, essround, prtv, prtv_party)

prtv_share <-
  prtv_match |>
    share_match = (sum(prvt_n * is_match) * 100 / sum(prvt_n)) |> round(1),
    .by = c(cntry, essround)

The table summarizes the share of party matches across all countries and ESS rounds.

tbl_out <-
  prtv_share |>
      quantile(share_match, c(0, 0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1)),
      "quantile", "share_match"
  ) |>
  mutate(share_match = round(share_match, 1))

write_csv(tbl_out, tbl_file_name)
quantile share_match
0% 11.4
10% 65.4
25% 81.9
50% 95.8
75% 99.2
100% 100.0

The share of matched parties is weighted by the number of “party-voted-for” responses and is calculated for each country in every ESS round.

The next table summarizes the country level share of party matches for ESS rounds with data set matches.

tbl_out <-
  prtv_share |>
    min = min(share_match),
    median = median(share_match) |> round(1),
    max = max(share_match),
    ess_rounds = n_distinct(essround),
    .by = cntry
  ) |>
  filter(max > 0) |>
  arrange(min, median)

if (knitr::is_html_output()) {
  tbl_out |>
    reactable(searchable = TRUE, striped = TRUE)
} else {